N4CSGA Executive Board Open Positions
ALL positions on the executive board and advisor roles are open to apply for. All applicants will participate in a meet the candidates town hall during conference. We ask that all packets be turned into n4csga@gmail.com by Monday March 27th, 2023 at NOON
All candidates will have the opportunity to campaign during the conference. Please see packet attached for further information for students.
If you are an advisor interested in a position on the board please submit a letter of recommendation, platform, and letter from the institution saying they will cover travel/expenses for you by the same date. All documents must be received by n4csga@gmail.com and the senior advisor. Per guidelines the advisory committee will vote at their final business meeting and select the three advisors to oversee the N4CSGA operations and executive board.
*Feel free to ask questions below and a member of our team will answer.