Origami Competition
Rules: Each college can sign up two of their students or advisors to participate in this competition. For this comp, students/advisors must create any type of origami structure. Points will be awarded based on uniqueness and originality. There will be a time limit of 20 minutes for each origami piece.
Where: Imperial Convention Center Room I
When: Saturday, April 6th at 9:30 pm
How: Each participant will be assigned the origami image that they will be trying to replicate. Each person will get one piece of origami paper along with the instructions of what to create. Judges will judge the origami piece based off of the image that was assigned to the participants.
Materials Needed: Table, origami paper, names of participants, judges, pictures of the origami piece the participants will create, the instructions
Spirit Point Reward: 1st Place: 100; 2nd Place: 75; 3rd Place: 50