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Western Division

Public·95 Western Delegates

Han Nguyen
Western Div. Delegate

Western Division

Board Alumni

Hello Western Division! I hope that you all had a good time and enjoyed our N4CSGA Spring Conference 2022. Is anyone missing the conference already?

It was such an honor and an amazing experience to connect with many of you within just a few days. We have been constantly receiving texts and emails with great feedback about the conference, thank you for all the words and encouragement. Just a quick question, are you ready for another one in Fall?

Reminder: Please respond to this survey to evaluate your experience with the 2022 Spring Conference by April 22nd. We aim to improve the experience of every student at the next conference. So, please let us know what you liked about the conference and how we can improve conferences going forward. Survey link:

We have many announcements about N4CSGA Open Positions for Students/Advisors and potential dates for Fall Conference, please refer to the latest N4CSGA email for further details. If you're interested in becoming a board member, it's time to let your advisor know.

At last, please do not hesitate to post comments or update with us what is going on at your campus. This group belongs to our Western Division!

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you all~

- Han Nguyen


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Western Delegates

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